Blog Archive

Thursday, December 8, 2011

What's going on???

I am at a different place in my life...a place that is unknown to me...I mean I've experienced THIS place before but I could never figure out the source.  Excuse the previous post...I promise I did more than one day...I just didn't blog about it...I guess as far as the "act" of blogging, I didn't have that on my list lol...I still didnt do the whole 21 days...simply because no where on that list did I have to master what I am already doing...and while I was doing the other things my immediate life almost fell to waist side...Over and over I have attempted to try to figure out what works for me...I hear all of these different concepts and I TRY to adopt them know.."inevercompleteanyoftheprograms"(in my whisper voice)  I even have TONS and TONS of blog posts that I started writing and did not complete...smh! Thats pretty much what my WHOLE life has been like..well I completed high school and I completed 98% of all of the fasts that I've ever attempted...thats about it...I know all too well the habit, it becomes a habit in itself to not complete things.  I just have to prove to myself that I can FINISH something.  No matter how small or large.  I know in my mind that I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to, but I lose focus soooo easily!  Also I'm the type of person that loves to have a support system to motivate me, which is what made me start blogging in the first place, but I have no idea of how to get this blog known or even if anyone would be interested in reading about my life and all of its self imposed issues :-/  I honestly need to stay consistent in my blog posts, who wants to  read a random blog post every 2months???  I guess first things first I need to find a niche...What is most important to me?  Do I have to find one topic? Can it be a variety?? Because I have no direction per say, I can not choose one particular niche...I guess I can only, with my state of mind, talk about what I am going through at the moment...and the most dominating topics would have to be my physical health and my mental health.Spiritual health is important, but it is a touchy subject that I have yet to even partially understand...I guess you will know when I figure it out ;) I'm out falling asleep at my laptop and the baby's is sleeping perfect opportunity to catch some z's myself!

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