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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

21 Days to a Better Life:Day 1

Mind Programming
October 24th, 2011  
I was thinking of doing a video blog...but uuuhhh i think for now I will write...So I went to the store and bought the wii fit and i literally caught a HUGE sale at Gamestop!! My controller was only $14, wii fit travel set for a PENNY, game was 2.99, and the balance board was only $20! I saved over $100! So anyways, after checking my BMI with the fit it is 29 and my weight is 194. I worked out and I did the yoga part of the Wii today.  I had to go grocery shopping yesterday because I had almost no food in the house, that would allow me to have balanced meals that is....I meditated in the tub and I noticed my mind kept reverting back to the past and everytime I would try to think of the future negative stuff would come to my visualization.  I obviously have somethings to work on in the area of re-programing my mind.  I really feel that I need to dive forth in these affirmations!PROGRAMMING!PROGRAMMING! I read an affirmation letter that I wrote a few days ago...i speak as if I am actually in the place that I see myself over the next year.  I love the feeling I get when I read it! Its like omg I'm so ready to feel this way...and the only way I can feel this way is if I accomplish what I have set out to accomplish.  The joy in knowing that I am on my way and working towards it is a true joy in itself.  So many things in the letter are already coming in to place and it is great! I realized having affirmations is kind of like making a blue print for your are speaking and shaping your life by programming your mind, therefore when you make decisions you make the decisions according to what you have programmed into your sub conscious and you are more likely to make decisions that will aid you in where you are trying to go.
I read to my daughter and I am currently reading Your Best Life Now by Joel Olsteen I'm not sure I am moved by this book as of yet...Its been a while since I have read anything of this kind...I'm thinking maybe because for the last few days I havent really sat down and read the book and comprehended it. I am so busy trying to stick to the task of getting my 15mins of reading in to be accountable, that it was taking out the actual purpose out of it.  So what do I do about that? Focus on the now and not what I have not done or what I have to do later.  This is why I want to create these habits so I wont have to think of my life as a list of things I have to get done but a way of living deliberately...and being able to flow with the energies around me because I dont have all of that other nonsense clouding my mind...
I have been totally honest with everyone in my life...I realize that I get tempted to lie about retarded things that are so pointless, but it saves my ego, so I thought...But I caught myself before it was done and re arranged my thoughts and then spoke.  By me being totally honest with just myself alone gave me a sense of freedom....
I ate breakfast, somehting I almost nevver do...I ate lunch and dinner...maybe I'll start posting what I eat too:)
Ok I am getting sleepy and I absolutely have no idea what I wrote in the past 30min lol...I just dont want to not write this entry as I promised and then try to write my entry about today tomorrow and so on I'm already a day behind...I need to get this bedtime thing settled in but...goodnight everyone!! :-)

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