Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Sandwich Modifier

Romaine lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, ham and turkey, and a toothpick to get rid of the evidence;)
Good Afternoon my courageous creators! If you eat salad you can eat this! I ate a turkey, ham lettuce wrap for lunch. It was, I must say delicious! :) Yes, I added time I'm going to look for a delicious sauce that would go with it that's not so fattening.  I used romaine lettuce and tomatoes as well.  Now, What a healthy lunch alternative to two large pieces of white bread and your so called wheat bread.  It doesn't always have to take an elaborate cooking session to have healthy lunch.  This took all but 5 minutes to make and voila.  It was very delicious.  We all know why white bread isn't good for you because of the white flour in it that just strips it of its nutrients and turn your carbs into sugar...if ya didnt know now ya know ;) Wheat bread is just as bad because they can call it wheat bread but only have traces of wheat in it....if you are going to get your healthy carbs be sure to get 100% WHOLE WHEAT bread.  I believe if I'm not mistaken there are about 4 calories to every carb and in one slice of bread there's appx 70 calories.  For various reasons, people think calories and carbs are bad, I was guilty of this...until I wasn't :)  One word, "Research."  Its mainly calories from bad fat you should be worried about and I was told that basically anything white is forbidden in the kitchen.  Yes that means sugar, flour, MAYO;), lol, bread, etc and all of that good stuff we use to make all of our favorite knick knacks and gravies!  Ok Yes I'm working on minimizing my "white" in the kitchen...I am definitely more conscious of it and I figure I'll start with white bread and sugar... There is always wheat flour and brown sugar...Anywho, I'll update this when I find a good healthy sauce to go along with my wrap, but to K.I.S.S, it's all about the little changes and you will go far.  Yeah, I didnt pull my hair out to find recipes for a healthy lunch but just modified a normal snack into a delicious alternative.  Another healthy alternative to bread may be a whole wheat wrap.  Enjoy creating your lunches tomorrow!  ♥♥♥♥

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