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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

An Obese Problem in the African- American Community

     I'm sitting here thinking about what I love to do and one thing I never get tired of is may be something I can in corporate in my life....I'm African-American and I love to many of us are stuck in our ways and we are constantly feeding our children this nonsense. Obesity is major and we don't want to change our eating  habits...We turn or noses up at anything that's not originated from the "soul food" menu...We call it "white people food"....What we don't realize is there is always a way to get that flavor you seek without throwing in ham hocks or all of these fat producing foods...We turn our nose at the thought of eating healthy and we feed our children this same mess.  I shall include my daughter in all that I do because children of today will be teachers of tomorrow.

We have to do better as a people. We have to motivate each other. We don't all have to be extreme but a small handful of us need to be in order to make an impact in our society. We don't have to keep eating the scraps we had to make work when we were enslaved. We can and WILL rise above this. Why is it that when we go in a predominately white neighborhood people are walking running or exercising but when we go to a predominately black neighborhood people are having cook outs, out in the street fussing and cursing and shooting each other or fighting. Not saying white people are high and perfect or even better because we can go round for round in comparing our best to their worst vice- versa. I'm just pointing out a major health issue in our community...and it is VISUALLY noticeable. There is no other way to put it.

Obesity is an issue and we have been making excuses for way too long. We are one of the most talented, intelligent, strong, and courageous groups of people and we are also some of the most self sabotaging  groups as well.  We have the power to overcome what our predecessors have endured. Some how we feel we have to still make excuses and put our selves through the unthinkable because we are "in too deep" ...We blame the white man... Its time to stop blaming others and take responsibility....When you know better you should do better. I am challenging you too start doing the little things to change your life...and tackle obesity in our children today. I know its hard because we have grandparents and we love their cooking and we WILL NOT SAY NO TO IT. We don't dare say no, that's the ultimate disrespect huh? What do you think?
 Maybe it s time to say grandma sit back let me cook for you, you've been taking care of me all of my life. Also, at the same time, think about that its not like they cook for you EVERYDAY so if you can't turn it down I say at least in moderation, but make it a habit to eat healthy or healthier and show your children a new tomorrow.  Start new traditions. Traditions that don't start from slavery but that start from freedom. New Day New Creation.  My goal is to help lower obesity within our children and our community. It starts at home.


  1. My mother had me learn how to help make meals, I cook at Thanksgiving and Christmas, I have learned how to modify recipes to make them more healthy, or as healthy as their supposed to be (Greens, Sweet potatoes,etc).

    Encourage for looking into recipes, post some recipes and share healthier versions of meals. We can still do Soul food, but healthier soul food. Like Coolio's cook book. Phire Free

  2. Thanks for commenting :) And Yes that is definitely my plan. We don't just need to be beat over the head about stuff, we need the how. The how is what I'm committing myself to;)

