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Saturday, October 22, 2011

21 Days to a Better Life

21day Challenge to SELF

I have decided to get disciplined so i can move forward in life and I can make my life and stop letting my life make me. I know we have to choose and to have to decide, but that is why the Divine create choices, we must choose, and if we don't we have still chosen not to choose. It takes 21 days to form a habit.  I will start on 10/24/2011 - 11/14/2011.  I figure I will blog about my 21days and how I feel and I will be accountable to someone out side of myself ...If you choose to participate in this challenge, it can be done at any time.  I am doing it with a friend.  Your's does not have to be like mine you can be flexible w/ it add subtract...the ones that are in bold below are ones I think should not be altered...but that's jmo. Even when you dont FEEL like doing the things on your list you MUST, once you commit to it.  If you start and you dont complete it you must start over And add 1 day.  Your conscience of not being able to do it WILL eat you if you have to continue to start over, and it will no longer become a challenge if you feel you can easily start over during the whole challenge. After so long of procrastinating you will become numb to it and it will be harder and harder to do because it will become easier and easier to become or stay undisciplined. If you don't have an accountability partner feel free to post here and we can all hold you accountable!;-)(There is something magical about knowing when people are looking at you and/or having the motivation of others)

*Create Self Affirmations and read them out loud every single day. (your mind is like a computer, program it instead of allowing it to be programmed by everything outside of you, and enhance your life consciously)These work!! Trust!! "As a man thinketh, so is he"
*Meditation aka Happy Place 15-30min a day.Find a place where you would like to be and imagine or just sit in silence, and/or pray as your med.
*Do your meditation 1-2 times a day either at night before you sleep or morning when you wake.
*Book reading at least 15mins a day (a consistent read and it should be completed within the 21days, start a new one if complete 1st one)
*Set yourself a bedtime so that you can wake up early and energized.
If asked a question either say nothing at all or speak nothing BUT the TRUTH, no matter what you feel you will lose or gain from it.
*EXCERCISE Every single day! at least 30 min 3x's a week the other days can be at least 5mins.
*Eat at LEAST 2 healthy balanced meals a day.  (I know it should be more but I will do what I can.)
*find a community service to commit to at least once a week or donate to a charity whole heartedly.Donate unusable items to a charty or someone who can use it. Involve your kids if you can, they will understand what it means to be of service to others and givers.  Solid foundations are so important.
*spend at least 30 mins a day reading to your children (Builds a bond with your children, while they are also learning and growing.)
*CALL at least 2 fam members once a week. (Purpose:Create a bond with your fam or build on what you already have, even if its just to say hi and you have nothing to talk about, they dont see it that way, they will feel pleased to just hear from you, and if you normally call only when you need smthing they will be blown away that you are not asking for anything, if you have made a fam member think the only reason u ever call is to want then you may need to call them a lot more to just say "hi" and even let them know you appreciate them.)
*complete a task you have been wanting to complete but never got around to.make no excuse.(stop procrastinating)
*compliment or say something positive to at least 50% of the people you encounter.(You never know how your LITTLE comment can make a person's day, "people may not remember what you say, but they remember how you make them feel ")
       *SAVE all the change you have left over after purchases and put it in a piggy bank.

**The purpose is to create healthy habits and a foundation, you will remember how you felt when you were productive in life and always remember how you got to that place and it will be easier to go back to it.


  1. Change has to be gentle. Like moving through water without causing ripples.

  2. fish swim beneath the water yet we never notice it. why, there bodies are designed to through the water. likewise change designed to move with power will never be noticed.

  3. when going through change you have to be aware of the relaxation response. This occurs because systems are finite. Over the threshold the system goes into a resting phase where it reorganises at a higher complexity. This changes the state of the system. here you can move faster, think faster, everything shifts to a higher frequency. The more complex the system becomes the greater the range.

