Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

21 Days to a Better Life:Day 1

Mind Programming
October 24th, 2011  
I was thinking of doing a video blog...but uuuhhh i think for now I will write...So I went to the store and bought the wii fit and i literally caught a HUGE sale at Gamestop!! My controller was only $14, wii fit travel set for a PENNY, game was 2.99, and the balance board was only $20! I saved over $100! So anyways, after checking my BMI with the fit it is 29 and my weight is 194. I worked out and I did the yoga part of the Wii today.  I had to go grocery shopping yesterday because I had almost no food in the house, that would allow me to have balanced meals that is....I meditated in the tub and I noticed my mind kept reverting back to the past and everytime I would try to think of the future negative stuff would come to my visualization.  I obviously have somethings to work on in the area of re-programing my mind.  I really feel that I need to dive forth in these affirmations!PROGRAMMING!PROGRAMMING! I read an affirmation letter that I wrote a few days ago...i speak as if I am actually in the place that I see myself over the next year.  I love the feeling I get when I read it! Its like omg I'm so ready to feel this way...and the only way I can feel this way is if I accomplish what I have set out to accomplish.  The joy in knowing that I am on my way and working towards it is a true joy in itself.  So many things in the letter are already coming in to place and it is great! I realized having affirmations is kind of like making a blue print for your are speaking and shaping your life by programming your mind, therefore when you make decisions you make the decisions according to what you have programmed into your sub conscious and you are more likely to make decisions that will aid you in where you are trying to go.
I read to my daughter and I am currently reading Your Best Life Now by Joel Olsteen I'm not sure I am moved by this book as of yet...Its been a while since I have read anything of this kind...I'm thinking maybe because for the last few days I havent really sat down and read the book and comprehended it. I am so busy trying to stick to the task of getting my 15mins of reading in to be accountable, that it was taking out the actual purpose out of it.  So what do I do about that? Focus on the now and not what I have not done or what I have to do later.  This is why I want to create these habits so I wont have to think of my life as a list of things I have to get done but a way of living deliberately...and being able to flow with the energies around me because I dont have all of that other nonsense clouding my mind...
I have been totally honest with everyone in my life...I realize that I get tempted to lie about retarded things that are so pointless, but it saves my ego, so I thought...But I caught myself before it was done and re arranged my thoughts and then spoke.  By me being totally honest with just myself alone gave me a sense of freedom....
I ate breakfast, somehting I almost nevver do...I ate lunch and dinner...maybe I'll start posting what I eat too:)
Ok I am getting sleepy and I absolutely have no idea what I wrote in the past 30min lol...I just dont want to not write this entry as I promised and then try to write my entry about today tomorrow and so on I'm already a day behind...I need to get this bedtime thing settled in but...goodnight everyone!! :-)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

21 Days to a Better Life

21day Challenge to SELF

I have decided to get disciplined so i can move forward in life and I can make my life and stop letting my life make me. I know we have to choose and to have to decide, but that is why the Divine create choices, we must choose, and if we don't we have still chosen not to choose. It takes 21 days to form a habit.  I will start on 10/24/2011 - 11/14/2011.  I figure I will blog about my 21days and how I feel and I will be accountable to someone out side of myself ...If you choose to participate in this challenge, it can be done at any time.  I am doing it with a friend.  Your's does not have to be like mine you can be flexible w/ it add subtract...the ones that are in bold below are ones I think should not be altered...but that's jmo. Even when you dont FEEL like doing the things on your list you MUST, once you commit to it.  If you start and you dont complete it you must start over And add 1 day.  Your conscience of not being able to do it WILL eat you if you have to continue to start over, and it will no longer become a challenge if you feel you can easily start over during the whole challenge. After so long of procrastinating you will become numb to it and it will be harder and harder to do because it will become easier and easier to become or stay undisciplined. If you don't have an accountability partner feel free to post here and we can all hold you accountable!;-)(There is something magical about knowing when people are looking at you and/or having the motivation of others)

*Create Self Affirmations and read them out loud every single day. (your mind is like a computer, program it instead of allowing it to be programmed by everything outside of you, and enhance your life consciously)These work!! Trust!! "As a man thinketh, so is he"
*Meditation aka Happy Place 15-30min a day.Find a place where you would like to be and imagine or just sit in silence, and/or pray as your med.
*Do your meditation 1-2 times a day either at night before you sleep or morning when you wake.
*Book reading at least 15mins a day (a consistent read and it should be completed within the 21days, start a new one if complete 1st one)
*Set yourself a bedtime so that you can wake up early and energized.
If asked a question either say nothing at all or speak nothing BUT the TRUTH, no matter what you feel you will lose or gain from it.
*EXCERCISE Every single day! at least 30 min 3x's a week the other days can be at least 5mins.
*Eat at LEAST 2 healthy balanced meals a day.  (I know it should be more but I will do what I can.)
*find a community service to commit to at least once a week or donate to a charity whole heartedly.Donate unusable items to a charty or someone who can use it. Involve your kids if you can, they will understand what it means to be of service to others and givers.  Solid foundations are so important.
*spend at least 30 mins a day reading to your children (Builds a bond with your children, while they are also learning and growing.)
*CALL at least 2 fam members once a week. (Purpose:Create a bond with your fam or build on what you already have, even if its just to say hi and you have nothing to talk about, they dont see it that way, they will feel pleased to just hear from you, and if you normally call only when you need smthing they will be blown away that you are not asking for anything, if you have made a fam member think the only reason u ever call is to want then you may need to call them a lot more to just say "hi" and even let them know you appreciate them.)
*complete a task you have been wanting to complete but never got around to.make no excuse.(stop procrastinating)
*compliment or say something positive to at least 50% of the people you encounter.(You never know how your LITTLE comment can make a person's day, "people may not remember what you say, but they remember how you make them feel ")
       *SAVE all the change you have left over after purchases and put it in a piggy bank.

**The purpose is to create healthy habits and a foundation, you will remember how you felt when you were productive in life and always remember how you got to that place and it will be easier to go back to it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Fresh Adventure

    So I have been enjoying cooking! It's so weird because I never liked to cook and when I lived by myself I LIVED off of tv dinners or quick meals. Pasta was the only thing I would hover over the stove for! Turns out I have a real talent for cooking...about 90% of my elaborate meals that I have experimented with have turned out absolutely delicious.  According to my sister she is happy that I got pregnant because I have been "throwing down" in the kitchen. (for all you NON slang people that means that I've been putting my all in)
    I've been researching about all of the different ways to cook and use fresh items while cooking. FRESH TASTES SOOOO MUCH BETTER!  The problem that i had at first with using fresh is buying too much. Especially being most of the things i bought for the recipe was my 1st time and i new I'd rather buy too much than not enough, cause I could just use the same ingredients in my next dish. BUT how much is too much?? That is the question when, your recipe calls for all of these retarded fresh varieties, and  your refrigerator is overfilled with freshness that you know will soon turn bad! Maybe it was my fault that I didn't do the research on "what equals this... and what equals that... " I assumed I would be cutting up the veggies so I could possibly need what I was purchasing.(sighs)MOVING ON...
    According to a good ole' proverb the way of abundance is "waste not, want not "...I don't want to send my pockets into a Great Depression needing more money cause I wasted it on unused produce!(laughs, bad joke. I know, only people who know their history would have tied the two together) Ok! I was able to find some ways to keep veggies fresh longer. I found a really go informative website one of the most simple yet thorough you can click here to see a list of the shelf life of items besides veggies, such as, poultry, meat, fruit, etc by clicking here .
    Below is a list that I copied from the website. I like the fact that it tells you how to store them as well.  One thing that I noticed I was doing wrong was stupidly leaving them in those little grocery bags! My mom called me out on that one.  Another thing was the storing them after washing them, because moisture encourages mold, which in turn spoils faster. Go figure.

Storage Chart - Vegetables
Storage times are refrigerated times unless otherwise indicated.
Food Item Preparation Method Refrigerator
Commercially Frozen Store in original package 1 year - In Freezer
Canned Vegetables
Store in airtight container. Do not store in the opened can. 3 days
Artichokes Sprinkle with a little water and place in an airtight plastic bag. 1 week
Asparagus Do not wash asparagus before storing. Wash it just before using. To store, wrap in a paper towel and place in a plastic bag that is not airtight, or place upright in a jar or glass containing 1/2 inch of cold water. 3 to 5 days
Beans, Lima Beans should be shelled and store in a perforated plastic bag. 3 to 6 days
Beans, Snap Leave beans whole and unwashed. Store in a perforated plastic bag in warmest area of the refrigerator. 3 to 6 days
Beets Leave roots and trim stems to 1 to 2 inches in length. Brush off dirt but do not wash. Allow to dry in shady area. Place in a plastic bag with a moist paper towel. Check weekly. 4 to 8 weeks
Broccoli Store in a perforated plastic bag. 5 to 7 days
Brussel Sprouts Trim damaged leaves and store in a perforated bag. 2 to 3 weeks
Cabbage Remove any loose leaves from the outer surface and place the cabbage head in a plastic bag. 4 to 8 weeks
Carrots Trim tops, leaving 1/2 to 1 inch in length and clean dirt from roots if necessary. Wrap them in a paper towel and place in a plastic bag or place in a perforated plastic bag. 1 to 3 months
Cauliflower Do not wash. Place in a perforated plastic bag. 10 to 14 days
Celery Wrap a damp paper towel around the celery and then wrap with aluminum foil. 3 to 4 weeks
Corn, Sweet Store with husks on 3 days
Cucumber Wrap with plastic wrap. 10 to 12 days
Endive Wash leaves thoroughly, shake to remove excess moisture, and gather leaves together and tie. Place tied head in a plastic bag. Disgard outer leaves as they wilt but inner leaves will still be good and crisp. 2 to 3 weeks
Fennel Store in a plastic bag. 6 or 7 days
Kale Remove as much moisture as possible by blotting with a paper towel. Store in a loosely sealed or perforated plastic bag. 7 to 10 days
Kohlrabi Trim roots and stems and place in a loosely sealed or perforated plastic bag. 2 to3 weeks
Leeks Remove excess moisture by blotting with a paper towel. Place in a plastic bag or wrap with plastic. 1 to 2 weeks
Lettuce, head Do not wash before using. Remove the core and outside damaged leaves. Wrap with a damp paper towel and place in a plastic bag. 10 to 12 days
Lettuce, leaf Wash leaves and dry in a salad spinner or by shaking off excess water. Layer leaves between paper towels and place in a plastic bag. 10 to 12 days
Mushrooms Place in a single layer on a shallow tray or plate. Cover loosely with a damp paper towel or place them in a paper bag, leaving the bag open. 2 to 3 days
Okra Store in a plastic bag and place in the warmest area of the refrigerator. 5 to 7 days
Onions Be sure onions are dry and then store in a mesh bag or a basket. Storage area must have good air circulation. 1 to 3 months
(refrigerate or cool, dry area)
Parsnips Be sure leaves have been trimmed and store parsnips in a perforated plastic bag. 1 to 2 months
Peas Store unshelled peas in a perforated plastic bag. Shelled peas can be stored in a regular plastic bag. 5 to 6 days
Peppers Do not wash. Wrap in a paper towel or place in a paper bag. Do no use a plastic bag. Store in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. 1 to 2 weeks
Potatoes, Sweet Place in a well ventilated box or basket and store in a cool (55° to 60° F), moist area with good ventilation. Do not refrigerate. If potatoes are harvested from your garden, they must be cured by setting in a warm, dark place for about one week before storing them. This will help toughen the skins and sweeten the potato. 2 to 4 months
(do not refrigerate)
Potatoes, White Place in a well ventilated box or basket and store in a dark, cool (around 40°F works best), moist area with good ventilation. Do not refrigerate and do not store in plastic bags. If potatoes are harvested from your garden, they must be cured by setting in a warm, dark place for about one week before storing them. This will help toughen the skins and store longer. 2 to 4 months
(do not refrigerate)
Radishes Trim off leaves and place in a loosely sealed or perforated plastic bag. Wash radishes and trim roots just before using. 2 to 3 weeks
Spinach Remove damaged leaves, wash thoroughly with cold water and drain well. Using a salad spinner also works well to dry. Wrap with paper towels and store in a plastic bag. 2 to 3 days
Squash, Summer Store in a perforated plastic bag. Do not wash until ready to use. 1 week
Squash, Winter Store, whole, in a cool, dry place. Do not wash until ready to use. If cut, store wrapped in plastic and refrigerate for up to 1 week. If whole squash is properly cured in the sun (at 70° to 80° F) for 10 days, it will extend storage time. 2 to 3 months
(do not refrigerate)
Swiss Chard Store unwashed in a open or perforated plastic bag. If leaves are damp, pat dry with a paper towel before placing in the plastic bag. 2 to 4 days
Tomatoes, Ripe Store with stems down at room temperature. 5 to 7 days
(do not refrigerate)
Tomatoes, Green Wrap individually in newspaper and store with stems down at room temperature. Can also be placed in a deep box in 1 or 2 layers, unwrapped. Allow for adaquate air circulation. Avoid exposure to temperatures below 50° F. Check weekly for ripeness. 2 to 5 weeks
(do not refrigerate)
Turnips Leave unwashed and trim leaves off. Store in a perforated bag. 1 to 3 weeks
