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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

THE MASTER CLEANSE- Breastfeeding mom

Master Cleanse Recipe- NOT the Moscato in the background
#1 (single serving):
  • 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon Juice (about 1/2 a Lemon)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Organic grade B maple syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup you use on pancakes)
  • 1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder
  • Ten ounces of filtered water
#2 (60 oz. daily serving):
  • 60 ounces of filtered water
  • 12 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
  • 12 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
  • 1/2 Teaspoon cayenne pepper powder
Hello my courageous Co-creators! I've decided to start the Master Cleanse Detox and record my journey. I spur of the moment decided to do it upon my realization that I just need to get on track with my health and stop procrastinating, along with the encouragement of my mom wanting to do it as well.  I immediately went to the store and bought the ingredients before I did the research because it was labor day and all of the stores were either closed or closed early.

  I am going out of town on the 15th so I am not going to attempt the full 10days and the fact that I am breastfeeding, being out of town will not really accommodate me easing back into breastfeeding.  I also know that there is an easing out phase for eating as well and I cant just go directly back into eating heavy foods and I cant promise to eat completely healthy while out of town.  Especially being that my travel day will be an ALL DAY event literally! I am going to do at least 5days which is a whole work week,lol, that will give me a couple of days to get back on track.  My concerns for breastfeeding is that I know that we are releasing toxins through this detox but I just am unsure if they are in large amounts in my breastmilk and I would rather not have my 20+ yrs of toxins go into my baby...its just so confusing because I hear if you drink a lot of water it dillutes your milk....basically, I have found no definitive answer online or a study that supports these claims thoroughly but I guess the recommendations are enough for me not to feed my baby during the cleanse.  My other concern was what if I dry up or my baby doesnt want to feed after I am done??? Well this is only for 5days and I will pump and dump to keep my supply going and when I am done I will attempt to get her back on. I really dont think 5days is enough to keep her away. She has always latched on and she is about to be 6months on the 15th so I am now feeding her solids and supplementing here and there with formula.  Next time I do the cleanse I will go for the full 10days and I will make sure I pump enough supply to make sure she will still have the benefits of breast milk while I am getting cleansed.  They say for the FULL benefits do 10days but it is very beneficial to even do a minimum of 3days... Sooooo here we go!:)

This is DAY ONE and yesterday I was unable to find Grade B maple syrup per the recipe, but for the most part we are able to use grade A. Grade B is preferred because of a bit more nutritional value and the sweetness supposedly makes it easier to tolerate.  Anyways, I made my first drink today and it was actually good! I am going to go to the store tomorrow to get grade B syrup just so i can follow the recipe exactly.  Along with the recipe they recommend a intestinal flush to aid the release of toxins in exiting your body, otherwise it will just sit in your body and you may feel very sick.  I just picked up some herbal decaffinated laxative tea, but I'm going to order a brand called Smooth Move Tea because I hear it is really good.  You can also do a Sea salt water flush.  SEA SALT!! and only 2 TEASPOONS!!! NOT TABLE SPOONS otherwise you will have some REALLY BAD results!! I dont even think you want to mess around with the possibilities!! It is recommended you give yourself time in the morning so you can use the restroom or you do it at night so it wont interfere with your day.  IMMEDIATELY upon drinking it I felt my "hair" lol... head tingling... I was thinking it cant be working THIS fast! But maybe it is...we shall see! so far I am not feeling ANY headaches I've been drinking TONs of WATER! No hunger pains as of right now and it is 2pm and I havent eaten since yesterday afternoon...

9/06/2011 6:30pm
Ok I've been doing good ALL DAY!! Because my mom is on the diet too I havent had any temptation and it is now 6:39pm...but nooow my sister is home and she just put a burger on the grill...I'm totally about to lose it already...I was tempted to visualize the burger in my head....but no...i had to replace the thoughts!!Lord! It smells soo good!!

 9/07 /2011

I had a cool day today...I wasnt hungry I didnt have any headaches like I expected.  When I got slightly hungry I made me another lemonade and I felt like I ate an EXTRA light meal because I was content.  The only problem is the cravings!!!!!!I am going nuts with these cravings. I have to replace my thoughts, close my nose, close my eyes or turn away...out of sight out of mind. I think i need to turn my tv off too because every show i have watched today had a character cook huge elaborate meals! At least thats what it seemed its just me. I went to my sister's school today and they had fresh baked cookies and candy and all sorts of junk like cupcakes and such.  I had to leave! Sometimes I feel so normal, not like I havent eaten in two days, and I want to go with my normal habit to grab a few chips from the cabinet.  I've even had thoughts of "welllll, what if I chew the food I want then spit it out?" will that work?? LOL but then I said it would defeat the purpose of me trying to cleanse because when I get off I'm still not going to have cleared my taste buds and I am still going to want those things...I figure I can get through the week so let me just chill...I've been in a great mood though! Surprisingly, given the circumstances...I have answered more calmly, I have been more patient with my DD,DS and DM! IDK lets see what tomorrow brings :-)


Okay! Well today was THE most difficult day...maybe it was a mind thing...maybe it was because I heard most people couldn't get past the 1st day.  I had sooo many cravings today! But you know what I made it!! Maybe it was hard because I really had to be accountable to SELF today.  I went to Walmart  and I had to keep my "eyes on the prize"! I went in to purchase distilled water so I had to block out every thing in my peripherals! Then I drove past tons of restaurants and I had to just look straight ahead on the road. Out of sight out of mind! lol I tried the salt water flush using epson salt and I was about to die!!!!! It was sooo tasted like wax!!! I spit it out as soon as I tried it...smh! I ended up doing the sea salt flush which was much more tolerable...the hard part was drinking one liter of it! I drank all but a couple of ounces of it...It sent me straight to the restroom 20minutes later...and I didnt come out of the restroom til 20mins afterthat lol.... but yeah that cleanse worked! I think I will do that every now and then even I am not on this diet...they say it is a time tested colon cleanser because your kidneys do not recognize distilled water and salt water mixed, or something of that nature.  I stood on the scale and I started off just under 200lbs and I am down to 192lbs I'm not a health nut but I've been drinking tons of water and I haven't been exercising so would it be water weight or actual fat? They say the cayenne pepper metabolizes your hmmm... I said I would do 5 day. But I'm just going to go until I run out of syrup and I am pretttttty low!!! lol and I am not spending $10 on another bottle for only one my 5th day may be short a couple of

As far as my DD its kind of hard because sometimes at night she doesnt want her bottle she wants my breast.  The 1st night I was able to trick her and offer her my breast to calm her down and then snuck the bottle in and she didnt work this time,I will admit...I breastfed her tonight because I'd rather her eat then go hungry because she wont take the bottle.  At the same time I hear what they say but nothing is for certain and I feel God made us much more intricate than that, and we dont give our bodies enough credit to do its job... if we understand the chain that pesticides are sprayed on the grass, cows consume it, and then excrete through their milk and then we are urged that it is much better than our own human milk...I'd like to say that the antibodies in my breast milk should protect her from what ever toxins I may or may not have in me, but I am no doctor...I am still giving her pureed food and formula as well...but I'm sooo confused when it comes down to this...its like in my mind they promote cows milk for babies and we accept that which we DONT KNOW what they are consuming or where it is coming from but we put down our own milk!I think maybe its a matter of if, GOD FORBID, something happens to our baby because of something THEY produced, we can blame someone else...but if something happens to our baby because of what WE produce we will be forced to blame subconsciously we make these choices...but hey what do I know...its just the way I see views are constantly changing as I become more informed or knowledgeable about things.  Who knows, I may just be just trying to make sense of why I decided to go against what I initially said...or maybe I received a better outlook...not even doctors can say whats true.Ill tell you tomorrow if she is affected by the cayenne pepper...


So today was I think the hardest day only because I am anticipating tomorrow evening when I will eat! My mom's boyfriend was doing the fast too but then he gave in tonight and he came to our house cooking elaborate stuff cutting up onions and peppers and all that good whatever... We held our own...I think my mom was my motivation because she was like "lets just get through the evening!!!"I was like, you are right! I didnt think we would run out of syrup twice though!Technically I get to eat tomorrow after 12pm and I have just enough to last me until then...Maybe it was destiny! So that food and me may reunite once again! I guess If it were just me then it would have been we have a plethora of lemons left! Hmmmm...any ideas on how to preserve them?? I may just make some fresh squeezed lemonade WITHOUT the cayenne and the syrup! Hmph! I'm currently as I am typing this at 9/10 2:04 am I am drinking my last salt water flush and its so hard because I didnt warm the water up...I hope it has the same affect, meaning works as quickly....I squeezed a little lemon juice in there for a little flavor...not such a good idea...its just salty and tangy, maybe it would have worked with the epson salt....and I would not have had to drink as much...oh well not willing to try that at this point...

My DD did not experience any upsets or anything from me feeding her.  She seems to be just fine...accept for the fact I noticed her bottom tooth growing in and earlier this evening she was a bit fussy but when I gave her some Baby Oragel and she was fine...I didnt breastfeed her again today but I am anticipating that 1st meal and I bet she is anticipating on getting her true milk supply back! She has technically been on a fast too huh????Cow and vegetables...NO HUMANS!!!(smile) She is good and sleeping peacefully right now though, I guess I'm going to get back to this "tasty" salt water flush.

Truthfully I can do this again...Next time I just need to be better prepared like having milk pumped in advance( I work at home so I am ready to breast feed her at any point and I dont think about pumping sometimes) I also need to make sure that I have the big bottle of syrup.  It would have been cheaper in the end if I would have purchased the big bottle. Save me some trips to the store.  Also NOT to buy as many lemons!!it looks like we are a warehouse for a full service lemonade stand from our house.


Soooo....I waited until noon to eat to feel better and to technically be able to say I did 5days...but yeah...about that salt water flush last night...Two mistakes: cold salt water and only a quarter of the bottle drank.  I did NOT go to the restroom last night...but I was stuck in the bathroom this morning resulting in me being late for an appoint I was terrible!  Maybe that's why we are supposed to drink a whole liter of it to push it on through.  On another note...I Devoured some grits today! It was like heaven...well almost...I found out that my cravings went away after I knew I could eat.  Just the simple fact of knowing if I eat the wrong thing so suddenly then I wont feel so good.  I ate a salad for dinner...and it was heaven times two!!(BIG smile)

1 comment:

  1. Wow im nursing as well my son is 2 months old going on three I really want to do the master cleanse I feel you when you were talking about why not and how it's easier to blame on some one else if something happens to your baby but u think I just might do it for two says

